Culture and Cosmos is a peer-reviewed academic journal in the history of astrology and cultural astronomy published by the Sophia Centre Press in partnership with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, Faculty of Humanitiies and the Performing Arts, at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David

We are currently seeking submissions for future volumes of Culture and Cosmos.

Volume 15-2

Ritual Ornamentation—From the Secular to the Religious: A Survey into Whether the Ritualised Use of Domestic Ornaments Does for the Owner Invest those Objects with Religious Significance

Pamela Armstrong


This article explores how we ‘who live in the hollows’ may, or may not use domestic decoration to establish through ritual a connection between mind and imagination, heart and soul; how we may, or may not be given sight of ‘the jewels of the upper earth’, and through that connecting link, perhaps glimpse the ‘equability of a surrounding heaven’ (Phaedo). This paper is based on an empirical research project that explored the manner in which domestic ornamentation is used for ritual purposes during times of festival and it examines the beliefs which may underpin its usage.

Contact Us

Dr. Nick Campion,, (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) Chair

For queries about technical issues or the website:
Dr. Frances Clynes, (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

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