Volume 6, No. 2


Nick Campion


Two volumes of Archaeoastronomy: the Journal of Astronomy in Culture have appeared since the University of Texas Press agreed to undertake the publication of the journal, and a third volume (Volume 16) was mailed out in the autumn of 2002. The principal reason for the delay is the lack of quality articles submitted to the editors. To bring the publication schedule up to date the editors would like to forward another issue (of up to 200 typeset pages) to the publisher as soon as possible (Volume 17), so that it can be printed as promptly as possible during 2003.

In the past year or two several articles have been submitted for publication, but few were truly professional. If the publishing schedule is to be met, the editors need to receive new scholarly manuscripts of publishable quality, both for Volume 17 and for future issues. Will you please contact your colleagues and students to see if they have any papers ready to be published that would fit into the broad disciplinary scope of the journal. As a reminder, this is not restricted to those archaeologically or ethnographically based studies traditionally associated with archaeoastronomy. It also encompasses studies that examine any astronomy or world view in its cultural context, or provide insights or tools relevant to the study of astronomies in culture. If papers are not ready now but may be forthcoming, they may still be reviewed by the editors. Please contact: John B. Carlson, jcarlson@pop.deans.umd.edu David S. Dearborn, ddearborn@llnl.gov Stephen C. McCluskey, scmcc@wvu.edu Clive Ruggles, rug@le.ac.uk

The Warburg Institute Sophia Fellowship

The Sophia Trust has generously agreed to fund a Research Fellowship of two, three or four months in the history of astrology. This is taken in a wide sense to include the theory of astrology in historical times, the history of the practice of astrology, astrological iconography, the history of astrology in relation to other arts and sciences, and astrology in both Western and non-Western societies.

This year's Sophia Fellow is Dr Joanna Komorowska. She will be at the Institute for 3 months from May 2003 working on Vettius Valens's Anthologiae. Further details are available from: http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/Fellowships/Shortt.htm#Sophia%20Fellowship

German Commission for History of Geophysics and Cosmical Physics

A commission for the history of geophysics and cosmical physics has been founded under the leadership of the internationally well-known physicist Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Treder, formerly director of the Einstein Laboratory for theoretical physics of the Academy of Sciences. The commission published a journal entitled Contributions for the history of geophysics and cosmical physics, which is open to all authors. It is a discussion forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of problems in history and philosophy of geosciences and its sub-disciplines, including solar-terrestrial physics and its special problems in development and history, and space physics. The commission welcomes comments and suggestions from all colleagues. Contact by E-Mail: Geomoppel@t-online.de. Website: http://huhu.franken.de/history-geophysics/english.html